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This is a collection of songs, written by Kay Woitzik & sometimes recorded with different featuring artists.



This album contains a collection

of 21 songs, from 2001 until 2020.



It's all home produced material.



It displays some different sides

of the development of the musical career of Kay, in the context of his songwriting manner.



In those years, he always

stumbled from situation to situation, with other musical people.

But a lange number of this tracks, are produced by himself in the deep will, just too find out, somehow he is also able to do things independently sometimes.



Enjoy the variosity of this not every time easy to handle, & surprise-piking "THISTLE".



While showing this,

he likes to thank everybody, who had supported him, followed him, inspired him, has made him angry, confused him, or made him happy.

It's all created out of confrontation with ever known human emotions, feelings and states.





Not to forget:

All of these songs are a product of relationships, which gave structure & anchors, motivation.

Developments are always the fruits of the ways, which someone goes, just to overcome confusion, a state of too much entropy, or darkness.

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